Clinic trials

At Pelican Health, we uphold the highest scientific standards in our approach, ensuring rigorous adherence to clinical study protocols. Our commitment to transparency means we share all findings, providing complete access to data and insights. This dedication guarantees that our solutions not only meet but exceed the stringent demands of the scientific and medical communities.

First-in-Human study

Healthy volunteers

Healthy volunteers
Medical device swallowed

Detailed results for primary objective (safety)

Transit time

Sample Quality

Patient Comfort

Recovery Rate


24 – 48 hours



0 %


< 72 hours

Sample Quality

Minimal Comfort

> 0 %


Mem's free

100% bio compatible

Collect up to 
3 samples

Identitfy new biomarkers

Untargeted & semi-targeted metabolomics

Feature-based molecular networking of annotated and non-annotated bile aids in fecal and SI samples, of 14 patients. 

Targeted metabolomics of Bile Acids (BA)

Boxplots of the most common BAs 
quantified in SI content or fecal sample.

Volcano plot demonstrating the log2 fold changes in the peak area abundances of the 14 subjects between their SI contents and fecal samples.

Isolate new bacterial strain and associated metabolites

98 different
bacterial species


Blautia sp

Extibacter sp

Traorella sp

Flintibacter sp

Megasphaera sp

Distribution of bacterial species identified during culturomics according to phyla

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